Stonington Lighthouse 15328b

by Guy Whiteley
Stonington Lighthouse 15328b
Guy Whiteley
Photograph - Photograph
This lighthouse was once the beacon for the many vessels approaching Stonington's harbor from Long Island Sound. The original 30-foot stone tower, which was built on the Point in 1823, supported a lantern containing ten oil lamps and parabolic reflectors. Its beacon was visible 12 miles at sea.
During the next few years storms and shore erosion took their toll on the exposed site. In 1840 the structure was dismantled and the materials used to build a new tower and keeper's dwelling on the present site. The light remained active until 1889 when a beacon was installed on the outer end of a new breakwater protecting the harbor entrance.
August 12th, 2012
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Comments (9)

Michelle Wiarda
Lovely image Guy! You've really made the textures come out, and that brooding sky, fantastic! Like and fav!